Background Facts

Please note that the information is calculated as of the tournament start date and is not updated thereafter.



  Association Latest result Best Result
Flag for Belarus Belarus 4 Dmitry Kirillov (2012) 2 Dmitry Kirillov (2010)
Flag for Ireland Ireland - - - -
Flag for Iceland Iceland 5 Jens Kristinn Gislason (2012) 3 Jens Kristinn Gislason (2010)
Flag for Luxembourg Luxembourg 7 Jörg Moeser (2012) 5 Marco Etienne (2011)
Flag for Romania Romania 6 Bogdan Taut (2012) 6 Bogdan Taut (2012), Allen Coliban (2011)
Flag for Slovenia Slovenia 3 Zvonimir Sever (2012) 3 Zvonimir Sever (2012)
Flag for Serbia Serbia 7 Marko Stojanovic (2011) 5 Marko Stojanovic (2010)
Flag for Wales Wales - - - -


Jörg Moeser (LUX) 3
Alex Benoy (LUX) 3
Dmitry Kirillov (BLR) 2
Marko Stojanovic (SRB) 2
Bojan Mijatovic (SRB) 2
Pavel Petrov (BLR) 2
Goran Ungurovic (SRB) 2
Hallgrimur Valsson (ISL) 0
Dmitry Kirillov (BLR) 0
Marko Stojanovic (SRB) 0
Bojan Mijatovic (SRB) 0
Ólafur Hreinsson (ISL) 0
Pavel Petrov (BLR) 0
Kristján Bjarnason (ISL) 0
Finals played
Dmitry Kirillov (BLR) 1
Pavel Petrov (BLR) 1
Hallgrimur Valsson (ISL) 0
Marko Stojanovic (SRB) 0
Bojan Mijatovic (SRB) 0
Ólafur Hreinsson (ISL) 0
Kristján Bjarnason (ISL) 0
Medals won
Dmitry Kirillov (BLR) 1
Pavel Petrov (BLR) 1
Hallgrimur Valsson (ISL) 0
Marko Stojanovic (SRB) 0
Bojan Mijatovic (SRB) 0
Ólafur Hreinsson (ISL) 0
Kristján Bjarnason (ISL) 0
Games Played
Jörg Moeser (LUX) 20
Dmitry Kirillov (BLR) 14
Marko Stojanovic (SRB) 14
Bojan Mijatovic (SRB) 14
Pavel Petrov (BLR) 14
Goran Ungurovic (SRB) 14
Djordje Neskovic (SRB) 14
Games Won
Dmitry Kirillov (BLR) 9
Pavel Petrov (BLR) 9
Jörg Moeser (LUX) 6
Hallgrimur Valsson (ISL) 5
Marko Stojanovic (SRB) 5
Bojan Mijatovic (SRB) 5
Ólafur Hreinsson (ISL) 5
Ihar Platonov (BLR)
Yury Pauliuchyk (BLR)
John Furey (IRL)
James Russell (IRL)
Alan Mitchell (IRL)
Craig Whyte (IRL)
Arran Cameron (IRL)
Arni Arnason (ISL)
Marc Hansen (LUX)
Stefan Bodea (ROU)
Lan Žagar (SLO)
Tomaž Toplak (SLO)
Marko Harb (SLO)
Žiga Babic (SLO)
Marko Šinkovec (SLO)
Filip Stojanovic (SRB)
Adrian Meikle (WAL)
Andrew Tanner (WAL)
James Pougher (WAL)
Rhys Phillips (WAL)
Garry Coombs (WAL)


Players with age known: 13 of 38

Average age of the field: 36.2 years

Rhys Phillips () 21y 5m
James Pougher () 23y 4m
Garry Coombs () 26y 6m
Bojan Mijatovic () 31y 2m
Bogdan Colceriu () 32y 3m
Allen Coliban () 34y 4m
Bogdan Taut () 35y 6m
Adrian Meikle () 48y 6m
Andrew Tanner () 46y 4m
John Furey () 45y 9m
Dmitry Kirillov () 45y 4m
Marko Stojanovic () 42y 9m
Stefan Bodea () 37y 7m
Bogdan Taut () 35y 6m
Youngest skips
Allen Coliban () 34y 4m
Dmitry Kirillov () 45y 4m
Adrian Meikle () 48y 6m
Oldest skips
Adrian Meikle () 48y 6m
Dmitry Kirillov () 45y 4m
Allen Coliban () 34y 4m