Background Facts

Please note that the information is calculated as of the tournament start date and is not updated thereafter.



  Association Latest result Best Result
Flag for Australia Australia - - - -
Flag for Brazil Brazil - - - -
Flag for Denmark Denmark - - - -
Flag for England England - - - -
Flag for Korea Korea - - - -
Flag for Netherlands Netherlands - - - -
Flag for New Zealand New Zealand - - - -
Flag for Poland Poland - - - -


Finals played
Medals won
Games Played
Games Won
Ian Palangio (AUS)
Jay Merchant (AUS)
Dean Hewitt (AUS)
Tanner Davis (AUS)
Marcelo Cabral de Mello (BRA)
Scott McMullan (BRA)
Sergio Mitsuo Vilela (BRA)
Michael Kraehenbuehl (BRA)
Ricardo Losso (BRA)
Ulrik Damm (DEN)
Kasper Wiksten (DEN)
Kasper Jørgensen (DEN)
Daniel Abrahamsen (DEN)
Daniel Buchholt (DEN)
Thomas Jaeggi (ENG)
Andrew Reed (ENG)
Michael Opel (ENG)
Jamie Malton (ENG)
Gary Tapp (ENG)
Soo-Hyuk Kim (KOR)
Hyeonjun Hwang (KOR)
Byeong Jin Jeong (KOR)
Donghyeong Lee (KOR)
Jeong Jae Lee (KOR)
Jaap van Dorp (NED)
Carlo Glasbergen (NED)
Laurens Hoekman (NED)
Wouter Gösgens (NED)
Alexander Magan (NED)
Scott Becker (NZL)
Sean Becker (NZL)
Warren Dobson (NZL)
Simon Neilson (NZL)
Anton Hood (NZL)
Borys Jasiecki (POL)
Konrad Stych (POL)
Krzysztof Domin (POL)
Bartosz Lobaza (POL)


Players with age known: 24 of 38

Average age of the field: 32.0 years

Anton Hood () 19y 0m
Wouter Gösgens () 20y 4m
Laurens Hoekman () 20y 11m
Simon Neilson () 22y 0m
Konrad Stych () 23y 3m
Kasper Jørgensen () 23y 6m
Dean Hewitt () 24y 2m
Marcelo Cabral de Mello () 47y 10m
Ian Palangio () 46y 1m
Sean Becker () 43y 6m
Michael Opel () 39y 3m
Kasper Wiksten () 38y 7m
Thomas Jaeggi () 38y 7m
Andrew Reed () 38y 1m
Youngest skips
Jaap van Dorp () 28y 10m
Borys Jasiecki () 33y 6m
Scott Becker () 34y 1m
Soo-Hyuk Kim () 34y 8m
Oldest skips
Marcelo Cabral de Mello () 47y 10m
Ian Palangio () 46y 1m
Andrew Reed () 38y 1m
Soo-Hyuk Kim () 34y 8m