Player Percentage Draw Opponent Game score
John Shuster United States of America 100.00 1 New Zealand 10 - 2
Brad Gushue Canada 100.00 1 Korea 10 - 3
Geoff Walker Canada 100.00 1 Korea 10 - 3
Brendan Bottcher Canada 100.00 3 Chinese Taipei 17 - 1
Brendan Bottcher Canada 100.00 13 China 7 - 4
Matthew Hamilton United States of America 98.00 1 New Zealand 10 - 2
Anton Hood New Zealand 98.00 7 Korea 9 - 1
Sota Tsuruga Japan 98.00 13 United States of America 2 - 8
Geoff Walker Canada 97.00 3 Chinese Taipei 17 - 1
Matthew Hamilton United States of America 97.00 SF China 4 - 7
Zhichao Li China 97.00 SF United States of America 7 - 4
Brett Sargon New Zealand 96.00 7 Korea 9 - 1
Eunbin Kim Korea 96.00 1 Canada 3 - 10
Zhichao Li China 96.00 13 Canada 4 - 7
Sota Tsuruga Japan 96.00 SF Canada 8 - 4
Geoff Walker Canada 95.00 5 New Zealand 10 - 5
Hayato Sato Japan 95.00 5 Korea 6 - 4
Zhichao Li China 95.00 11 Korea 4 - 5
Zhichao Li China 95.00 F Japan 6 - 4
Hugh Millikin Australia 94.00 3 Japan 4 - 7